Greetings from Goodyear


Well-known member
Club Member in Good Standing
Feb 8, 2023
Goodyear, Az
I was a FRAG member a good number of years ago and have been tankless for a long time. I recently bought a new tank and have started my journey down the rabbit hole again, LOL. I've had it up and running with a few fish for a couple of months now. It's a rimless 100g that will be SPS dominated when I get around to stocking it.

I have some big plans well above and beyond a single tank moving forward but that is still in the discussion phase with my wife Lisa.

Anyways, looking forward to meeting everyone. I don't think I'll be able to make the February meeting but will do March for sure.

KLC (Keith)


Well-known member
Staff member
Club Member in Good Standing
Jun 21, 2021
Welcome (back) Keith! Good luck with the discussions (negotiations?) with Lisa. We’ve got a great little local community here.
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