Look forward to the community! From mesa


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2022
Hey, I’m B from Mesa.
This is long winded, but I figure if we’re on here we have some spare time ;)
Just started up my first salt after 20+ in fresh. Been breeding cichlids in ponds outside for the past 8 here in phx. Easy. Did high tech planted, and bred everything, did everything -Boring. So here I am haha
I don’t usually do forums and community stuff but I’d like to find a local group with similar interests whom I vibe with. My other interests of roping cattle, carpentry, farming, motorcycles & hot rods, homesteading etc doesn’t necessarily bring my sort of crowd haha

My current setup is a innovative marine 30 lagoon. I wanted to start small to make all the mistakes, and get a good ecosystem I can transfer to skip starting a larger tank later. I have quite literally purchased 90% of my equipment through trade with discount aquarium in Tempe throughout the past 5 years getting ready for this build.
The tank sits on a home made stand. (I’ve got a shop full of toys to make custom whatever.) the tank sits as soon as you enter the house. I am going for a statement RTBA tank eventually. Has an eshopps sump below with a hob reefocto1000 on the sump (with an outside airline) so I can run a fuge. In the cabinet there is also a kalk stirrer w doser, a carbon/gfo reactor, and apex. Which is a tight fit in a 23”x23” stand.
There is a very, very complicated apex system (I have 3 other apex systems on breeding ponds, discus, and office cichlid tank) running this tank, I don’t trust any of their other products (especially if I’m purchasing them used) or else I’d love the alktronic and master but looking at ghl alk doser. An iPad sitting next to it runs as display.
It sits against a garage wall which I went through so the tank and water mixing station/ rodi system/ ato are tied together and automated. There’s a air pump out there to pump in supplemental o2 if skimmer doesn’t keep up on ph.
Just have a nicrew Amazon light on it, which I’m surprisingly happy with for the price, and a very small fluval 24/7 light just for sunrise/sunset/lunar. (I have one of these 24/7 lights on every tank in my house that are all synced together for sunrise and sunset, it’s great)
Inside the tank currently is a few scaped pieces man made rock, with a very thin rubble “caraline” aragonite type bed.
1 clown and a 6 line wrasse, with a hearty cuc of a fire shrimp, conches, snails, hermit etc
Put in some zoas and a branching hammer recently. Did a hydrogen peroxide and coral Rx dip on them which got out MANY hitchhikers. Jesus. There’s some stupid decor to get the clown use to hosting for now.
Been up for a month or so, just getting settled in. Will post pics

Alright, later.


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Club Member in Good Standing
Jun 28, 2021
Welcome to the reefing jungle....I am on the gilbert/chandler/mesa triangle border........
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Thread starter
Aug 9, 2022
...a little update. Been battling ph in the 30g, maxed out at 7.8 With a lot of effort. had plumbing through the wall to the garage, made a co2 scrubber you can see in the Kalkwasser post, then used a co2 pellets and realized with this tank, the ph is naturally just going to sit low.
so my wife suggested we turn the in wall 200 planted discus tank salt. So the past two weeks I’ve been making the switch, it’s been up and stable for a week now, with a steady natural ph at 7.95 with a .1 fluctuation photo period. I’ll post the sump tomorrow, it has a closed loop ran by a cor15, 150lb live rock in sump. Dual returns etc. Dim lighting is for adjustment of a few hammer colonies and a shoal of anthias,. Stocking includes them, a clown, 6 line, cardinals, couple blennys, two tempermental blue reef chromis, and adding two yellow tangs later this week. I’m hoping the tangs settle down these Chromis or else they’re getting the boot




Well-known member
Thread starter
Aug 9, 2022
We’ll, it’s been a bit- just got back from a week+ trip out of the country. Had someone feeding- came home and everything was fat and happy. definitely had growth as my kh took a decent hit in the week without any dosing. Time to start kalk :D
Having some serious issue with a acan colony that won’t open up. Was a rescue, but it’s been a month and nothing .bummer.