Red Sea Reefer 1000


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Club Member in Good Standing
Thread starter
Aug 2, 2021
Tank information:
84 x 30 x 26
Sump: L2 and M2 Vectra return pumps, Octo 220 DC skimmer, RedSea ReefMat Coral acclimation tank 20x 20 x 20
3 Gen5 Radion XR30 blues
2 MP60
2 MP40
Neptune Apex
DOS pumps for three-part dosing


Well-known member
Club Member in Good Standing
Thread starter
Aug 2, 2021
All inhabitants came with the tank
Vlamingi Tang
Lieutenant Tank
Yellow Tang
Purple Tang
Gem Tang
Tomini Tang
Juvenile Emperor Angel
Swallowtail Angel (Genicanthus melanospilus) F
Pair electric storm Maroon Clowns
Starry Blenny
Aphasia eating file fish
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Well-known member
Club Member in Good Standing
Thread starter
Aug 2, 2021
Yeah, previous owner of the tank offered to cut a better deal if he sold the fish. At first I was okay with that, but the more I looked at the fish the more I wanted to keep the group together. I know the Vlamingi is a bad idea. I will eventually have to find a new home for her. But for now it works.
What doesn’t work is the Aptasia farm in the rocks!
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Well-known member
Club Member in Good Standing
Thread starter
Aug 2, 2021
This tank has a case of the Mondays!
It started with a cyano bloom that covered everything within a few hours after I would remove it. About two weeks ago as the cyano seemed to be gettibg under control my Nitrates bottomed out and dinos showed up! 🙄

image.jpgCurrently I am attempting to treat with KZ ZeoZyme and Zeobac.
I am adding a measuring spoon of zeobac to 2 liters of tank water that is the mixed for 6 to 8 hours using a magnetic stir platform. I add two drops of zeobac to the mix to allow the bacteria to cook in the mix.
Current H2O parameters
S.g. 1.026 (33 ppt on the Apex)
Temp 78-79 degrees F
pH 8.2
Alk 7.9
Calcium 454 ppm
Mag 1415
ORP 247
NO3 18.9 (Hannah test)
PO4 0.56! Not a typo I am trying to lower this with the bacteria, but have added RowaPhos in a TLF PhosBan Reactor to assist.
Currently I am only dosing the ZeoBac and ZeoZyme along with Ammonium Bicarbonate to keep Nitrates from bottoming out.
Any and all suggestions greatly appreciated!