Kalwasser and PH


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2022
Doubled, tripled? the skimmer size today I’m thinking that’s a bottleneck. So lucky to have a resale reef shop in Tempe


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2022
So there is something to this, I have risen my overall ph by .1 -.2 which I am going to measure against some co2 absorbing media for efficiency. I did notice when we had a party yesterday my ph tanked. So I’m under the assumption I don’t have enough exposure between fresh air/kalk scrubbed gas and tank water co2 in the skimmer

There has been smaller fluctuation in day/night ph compared to prior to the kalk scrubber. Id assume because there is less saturated co2 for photosynthesis to have an effect on. After I switch to a reactor with co2 media for a few days and record that data I can make more assumptions about my skimmer size.


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2022
It’s definitely necessary to scrub as much co2 as possible before dosing kalk for a larger effect on ph.

Also has anyone used Randy’s two part high ph formula?


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2022
Ok, after a week of recording with readings of a general +1.0 Day/night. I am switching to co2 scrubbing media in a dual stage reactor. I will run for the weekend and compare For a baseline.
2 dc jaebao sp? Pumps have developed hairline fractures in the housings, I believe because of the pressure of sucking, I replaced with an aluminum 3000gph workhorse. I’ve flooded my garage half a dozen times at least.
now that the reactor has all the kinks worked out, ie destroying pumps and leaking... starting Monday I will run a week worth of lye in the reactor, 15ph. I am running the reactor by dc needlewheel pump for three days, then driven by forced air (bubbler) For 3 days via a pond linear pump, then compare.
it is difficult not to perform more than one adjustment in a given time to get true data, whether that be pump speed, air feed rates, skimmer sizing and rates, kalk potency, outside temps, amount of people in/out of home on given day, etc. I may set up a true test tank Setup in the shop to circumvent many of these once I see notable outcomes, which I believe will be with induction air and sodium hydroxide.


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2022
To quickly update. This works. I was unable to nail down efficiency and all the swinging parameters. I now have the same tank set as a test 30g setup in the shop and am performing all these trials once again in a controlled atmosphere.